Would you consider yourself as being creative?
I am very creative
I am somewhat creative
I am not creative
You have an assignment to write an essay about anything you want. How does that make you feel?
Excited! I can share my theories with the world
A bit apprehensive. I get overwhelmed with so many options
Annoyed. I would much rather be given a topic with clear instructions
How comfortable are you working in the outdoors?
I love the outdoors and wish I could work outside every day
Working outside would be okay, but only for short periods of time
I would rather work inside
What can you see yourself doing in the future?
Building things with moving parts
Designing buildings
Designing or building sensor based technology
Improving the way we use the world's resources
Making discoveries at the molecular level
Programming apps
Optimizing processes
How do you feel about group work?
I enjoy working with others
I occasionally like working with others
I do not like working as part of a team. I would rather work alone
What high school class did you enjoy the most?
Computer Science
Language Arts
Visual Arts
What high school class did you enjoy the least?
Computer Science
Language Arts
Visual Arts
What type of club would you consider joining?
Art or design club (i.e. Fashion for Change)
Autoshop club (i.e. Autonomoose Autonomous Car Club)
Business club (i.e. UW Finance Association)
Consulting club (i.e. DECA)
Environment club (i.e. UW Energy Network)
Robotics club (i.e. UW Robotics Team)
Hacker club (i.e. UW Hacks)
Student council (i.e. Engineering Society)
What type of club would you NOT want to join?
Art or design club (i.e. Fashion for Change)
Autoshop club (i.e. Autonomoose Autonomous Car Club)
Business club (i.e. UW Finance Association)
Consulting club (i.e. DECA)
Environment club (i.e. UW Energy Network)
Robotics club (i.e. UW Robotics Team)
Hacker club (i.e. UW Hacks)
Student council (i.e. Engineering Society)
What project would you want to be a part of?
Prototyping a musical instrument for children
Designing an Olympic village
Programming a robot that can make you dinner
Building the world’s most powerful supercomputer
Designing a water treatment system for Mars
Creating a battery from recycled material
Optimizing the Uber Pool routes
What project do you find the least interesting?
Prototyping a musical instrument for children
Designing an Olympic village
Programming a robot that can make you dinner
Building the world’s most powerful supercomputer
Designing a water treatment system for Mars
Creating a battery from recycled material
Optimizing the Uber Pool routes
If engineering didn’t exist, what would you consider studying?
Applied Science
Computer Science
English Literature
Environmental Studies
Graphic Design
Health Studies
Political Science
Visual Arts
How would you describe your drawing abilities?
Really good, I can draw just about anything
I am not the best, but I am not the worst
I am not very good
What industry can you see yourself working in, in the future? Select all that apply.
Architecture (i.e. Designing a building taller than the CN Tower)
Automotive (i.e. Designing a new autonomous car)
Entrepreneurship (i.e. Starting your own consulting company)
Construction (i.e. Building a smart city)
Health (i.e. Creating technology for minimally invasive surgeries)
Environment (i.e. Producing energy in sustainable ways)
Manufacturing (i.e. Optimization or automation of manufacturing processes)
Technology (i.e. Working with cloud based software)